Desmoging Journalism (535)

The incoming Trump administration *shudder* has put a sooty fog over the climate movement, but we should also not let ourselves be distracted by him such that we stop paying attention to the areas where we can do some good. As we look back at the year, there's some bad news and some good news but most importantly we still have hope (with good reasons). In the first section we discuss some Canadian climate news and continue our ongoing analysis of Trudeau's alleged climate plan and the battle over pipelines as both a climate movement and a popular resistance to plutocracy and fear. Oh, and the arctic is melting.

Our interview this week is with Emma Gilchrist the Executive Director of Desmog Blog Canada and independent Canadian media outlet that specializes is climate science and public policy. Our host talks to Emma about the suddenly hot topic of 'fake news', the death of traditional corporate sponsored media and the incoming Trump administration. Emma also highlights some of the biggest stories Desmog Canada covered this year.

In the final section of the main program, the hosts discuss a bit more about Trudeau's climate policy in the age of Trump, as well as count down some of our big themes from 2016 from an environment/climate perspective.

Bonus Show:

The hosts discuss their personal wish lists, what do we dare to hope could happen in 2017 that could make the world better (from a list of plausible things)? Find out on the bonus show, and share yours with us!

This Weeks Music:

Metric 'Gimme Sympathy' & Great Big Sea 'Ordinary Day'

What do you think?

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