Disillusioned Conservatives Apply Within (514)


We start with a critique of conservative ideology and credibility on the issue of climate change and cap and trade. This starts closer to home in Canada, and then we move into the USA with a conversation about Obama’s final few acts on climate before we wait with baited breath for the results of the rock-and-a-hard-place US elections in November.

Follows is Rosemary Frei talking about her decision to retire and become a full time activist. Rosemary tells us about her experience walking Gaspe to protest fracking projects in Quebec. We also play a short clip from a previous interview with Toronto MPP Peter Tabuns about the scam that is fracking development in the first place. You can watch the full interview with Peter here.

Rosemary has provided some resources below and you can contact her here if you would like to reach out.

Finally the team discusses some alarming news of Anthrax and secret military bases full of radiation and toxic waste being unearthed by melting permafrost. We finish the show with some discussion of the debacle that is the Rio Olympics.

Bonus Show:

Shaya and Alex join Daryn and Rosemary to discuss the ethics of the idea of ‘sacrifice zones’ and the philosophy of change in the age of climate impacts.

News We Missed:

Can’t every get to everything! Check these out too…

This weeks music:

The Hidden Camera’s “The Day I Left Home” & Good Anya “Good Neighbours”

What do you think?

Let us know what you think of what we discussed in the show! Click here to find us on social media, leave us a phone message to play on air or send us an email!