Mittens of Disapproval Are On (522)

Stefan is away this week so instead it is our pleasure to have the co-host chair filled by the one and only Rob Shirkey, The Executive Director from Our Horizon. Rob and Daryn spend the first part of the program talking about the breaking news this week that Trudeau has flashed the green light for a massive liquid natural gas pipeline through British Columbia that the local liberal government has been fighting for as an election promise. The real question is, how do we square this approval with the election promises of Trudeau himself with regards to climate and First Nations sovereignty which are at best in conflict and at worst reveal dishonesty with this project from the outset.

n the final section Rob and Daryn discuss India's ratification of the Paris Climate Accord, and the legacy of current US president Barack Obama as he follows the US norm of presidents on the way out of their terms suddenly worrying about their legacy by lurching to the left in their final days (even George Bush did it!).

Bonus Show!

Rob and Daryn discuss toxicity in consumer products and the relation to the responsibility for the safety of consumer products, as well as some personal stories about where our passion for these topics stem. PS. we mention John Oliver's 'Last Week Tonight' show a couple times this week, and also borrowed his image for the post :) It's a fantastic show and you should watch it

This Weeks Music:

Kaytranada 'Track Uno' & 'You're The One'

What do you think?

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