International Cooperation In The Age Of Trump (539)

Stefan starts the show this week with a recap on this weeks Trumps (aka things Trump did) and how they will impact American politics and the world. The list is long... buckle up.

This weeks interview is with Dr. Hugh Sealy, one of the lead negotiators for the small island states -- the countries that are most at risk from rising sea levels and catastrophic weather patterns caused by climate change. He just participated in negotiations at COP22 in Morocco in November 2016 and at the big COP21 conference in Paris in 2015, which led to the Paris agreement. In January 2008, Dr. Sealy was elected as a Member of the Executive Board of the Clean Development Mechanism under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Dr. Sealy is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine in the School of Medicine at St. George’s University in Grenada. In October 2008, Dr. Sealy was appointed as Energy and Sustainable Development Advisor to the Government of Grenada.

In the final section Daryn discusses the impacts of Trumpism at home in Canada. With Trump sucking all the air out of pretty much all discussions for the forceable future, the best we can do it keep up to date and plan accordingly. Trudeau will have the test of his career so far soon, how to protect Canadian interests without bowing before a facism. The team discusses.

We talk about the mainstream media's floundering to figure out how to deal with the degradation of truth in the Trump era, legitimate historical comparisons to the rise of Hitler in Nazi Germany and the 'Womans March on Washington'. The clip used was from The Young Turks, an independent media broadcaster from the US. Find more on TYT here as well as a link to the full clip used below.

This Weeks Music:

No Joy 'Lunar Phobia' & Broken Social Scene 'Swimmers'

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