TEA Party: Transform TO (589)

This week we do a deep-dive on Toronto's climate plan: Transform TO. The bill passed last year, but budget time is coming up and it doesn't look like the Mayor is working to fund it and without funding the plan is essentially wet paper.

Stefan starts the program with an overview of why cities are important factors in the climate conversation. Big news this week helps highlight this point as we open with the NYC news that Mayor De Blasio is pulling $5 billion from NYC pension funds from fossil fuel companies as well as sue them for their role in climate change.

Dusha Sritharan is a campaigner from the Toronto Environmental Alliance who works on municipal issues and has been deeply involved in the fight to fund Transform TO. Dusha spends the rest of the program helping us understand why Transform TO is such an awesome plan and how we can all help get it passed.

  • Learn more about Dusha here.
  • Learn about Transform TO here.
  • TEA's Transform TO page is here.

This Weeks Music:

Marie-Pierre Arthur 'Si tu Savais' & Charlotte Day Wilson 'After All'

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