Hug A Vegan This Christmas (586)

It's the week before Christmas but there's still lots of things going on. Stefan starts the show with an update on divestment from fossil fuels and a discussion on the insurance industry's response to climate change and the oil markets response to climate policy (not the same thing).

We spend the rest of the show talking about a George Monbiot opinion article from the Guardian about the thing that keeps him up at night. No it's not North Korea, or even Trump. It's how we're going to feed billions more people with ever decreasing ability to grow food.

This weeks message I guess is to hug a Vegan this holiday :) and that doing your part means eating as little meat as possible for you right now is the best thing any individual can do, but no you are not a bad person if you aren't completely vegan. Just try it and do your best! Steak day once a month?  Vegan 6 days a week? Whatever you can manage (and keep up over time) is great for you and the planet, but the really big one is try not to eat beef, like ever.

Happy Holidays!

This Weeks Music:

Tragically Hip "New Orleans Is Sinking" & "Ahead By A Century"

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